Bineet Mishra
Ph.D. Economics, Cornell University
Finding Stories...
Job Market Paper
Bineet Mishra, 2022, "Decomposing covered interest rate parity deviations for an emerging market economy".
Biresh K. Sahoo, Ramadhar Singh, Bineet Mishra, and Krithiga Sankaran, 2017, "Research Productivity in Management Schools of India: A Directional Benefit-of-Doubt Model Analysis", Omega, 66(A), 118-139.
[Paper] [Link]Bineet Mishra, 2016, "Differential Rate of Return of the Emerging Market Economies", Duke Journal of Economics, Vol. XXVIII.
[Paper] [Link]
Working Papers
Alexandr Kopytov, Bineet Mishra, Kristoffer Nimark, and Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel, "Endogenous Production Networks under Supply Chain Uncertainty", Econometrica, Conditionally accepted.
[Paper]Bineet Mishra and Eswar Prasad, "A Simple Model of a Central Bank Digital Currency", Journal of Financial Stability, Revise and Resubmit.
[Slides]Bineet Mishra, "Introduction of Central Bank Digital Currency: Effect on tax-evasion in the economy".
Work in Progress
Bineet Mishra, "Portfolio of Cryptocurrencies".
Bineet Mishra, "Hard work and Economic Growth".